
Welcome to Terri's Rocks. This website is a work in progress.  Right now I'm just uploading pictures of rocks that I have painted.  I will add descriptions/dimensions and pricing once I learn how to do so.  Please be patient.  If you are interested in purchasing any of the rocks you see here, feel free to give me a call or email (see Contact page).  A list of pricing by size can be found on the "Rocks" page.

I have been painting rocks for a few years, giving them as gifts to friends and family.  Since I retired from full time work, I have been spending at least half my days painting rocks.  I have sold quite a few at local bazaars, and I currently have a large inventory.  I just can't stop painting!!!

Thanks for stopping by!

PLEASE NOTE: If you are viewing this on a mobile phone, if the menu button doesn’t work, refresh and try again.  (I’m working on getting this fixed).